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Logging System

RA.Aid includes a powerful and flexible logging system that helps you troubleshoot issues and monitor the tool's operation. This document explains how to configure and use the logging features effectively.


The logging system in RA.Aid provides:

  • Configurable logging modes for different use cases
  • Multiple log levels for controlling verbosity
  • File logging with rotation and backup capabilities
  • Pretty console logging with formatted display
  • Comprehensive log messages capturing agent activity

Command Line Options

RA.Aid provides the following command line options to control logging behavior:

Log Mode

The --log-mode option determines where logs are directed:

ra-aid -m "Add new feature" --log-mode file

Available modes:

  • file (default): Logs are written to both file and console
    • Console shows only warnings and errors
    • File contains all logs at the specified log level
  • console: Logs are only shown in the console at the specified log level
    • No log files are created

Log Level

The --log-level option controls the verbosity of logging:

ra-aid -m "Add new feature" --log-level debug

Available levels (case-insensitive):

  • debug: Most verbose, includes detailed debugging information
  • info: General information about operations
  • warning (default): Potential issues that might need attention
  • error: Error conditions that prevent normal operation
  • critical: Critical errors that may cause the application to terminate

The log level affects different outputs depending on the log mode:

  • With --log-mode=file: Controls the file logging level, while console still shows only warnings and errors
  • With --log-mode=console: Controls the console logging level directly

Pretty Logger

The --pretty-logger option enables formatted panel-style logging output:

ra-aid -m "Add new feature" --pretty-logger

When enabled, log messages appear in colored panels with titles indicating the log level:

  • 🔥 CRITICAL: Bold red panels for critical errors
  • ❌ ERROR: Red panels for errors
  • ⚠️ WARNING: Yellow panels for warnings
  • ℹ️ INFO: Green panels for informational messages
  • 🐞 DEBUG: Blue panels for debug messages

Log Files

When --log-mode=file is used, RA.Aid creates and maintains log files with the following characteristics:


Log files are stored in the .ra-aid/logs/ directory in your current working directory:


RA.Aid automatically creates this directory if it doesn't exist.

Naming Convention

Log files follow a timestamp-based naming pattern:



  • YYYYMMDD: Year, month, and day when the log file was created
  • HHMMSS: Hour, minute, and second when the log file was created

Example: ra_aid_20250301_143027.log

Log Rotation

RA.Aid uses automatic log rotation to manage log file size and prevent excessive disk usage:

  • Maximum file size: 5 MB
  • Maximum backup files: 100

When a log file reaches 5 MB, it is renamed with a numeric suffix (e.g., .1, .2), and a new log file is created. Up to 100 backup files are maintained.


Basic Usage (Default)

Use the default file logging mode with warnings and errors:

ra-aid -m "Add new feature"

Detailed File Logging

Log everything including debug messages to file (console still shows only warnings+):

ra-aid -m "Add new feature" --log-level debug

Console-Only Debugging

Get detailed debug logs in the console without creating log files:

ra-aid -m "Add new feature" --log-mode console --log-level debug

Informational Console Logging

Get informational console output without debug details:

ra-aid -m "Add new feature" --log-mode console --log-level info

Pretty Logging Output

Use formatted panel-style logging for better readability:

ra-aid -m "Add new feature" --pretty-logger

Debugging Tips

  • For troubleshooting issues, start with --log-mode console --log-level debug
  • Examine log files in .ra-aid/logs/ for historical issues
  • Use --pretty-logger when working with complex tasks for better log clarity
  • For production use, the default settings (--log-mode file --log-level warning) provide a good balance of information without excessive output

Log Message Format

Standard log messages follow this format:

YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS,MS - logger_name - LEVEL - Message text


2025-03-01 14:30:27,123 - ra_aid.agent_utils - WARNING - Command execution timeout after 60 seconds