Contributing to RA.Aid
Welcome to the RA.Aid community! We're thrilled you're interested in contributing. This project thrives thanks to contributors like you, and we're excited to have you join us on this journey.
Ways to Contribute
There are many valuable ways to contribute to RA.Aid:
1. Join Our Community
- Join our Discord community to connect with other users and contributors
- Help answer questions from other users
- Share your experiences and use cases
- Provide feedback and suggestions
2. Report Issues
- Found a bug? Open an issue on our GitHub repository
- Before creating a new issue, please check if it already exists
- Include as much detail as possible:
- Steps to reproduce
- Expected vs actual behavior
- Your environment (OS, Python version, etc.)
- Any relevant error messages
3. Contribute to Documentation
- Our documentation lives in the
folder - Found a typo? Have an idea for better explanations? Open a PR!
- You can use RA.Aid itself to help draft documentation changes
- Even small improvements are welcome
4. Code Contributions
- Look for issues labeled "help wanted" or "good first issue" on our GitHub
- Feel free to pick up any open issue - don't be shy!
- You can even use RA.Aid to help understand the codebase and make changes
- Before starting work on larger changes, please open an issue to discuss
Making Your First Contribution
- Fork the repository
- Create a branch for your changes
- Make your changes
- Write/update tests if needed
- Submit a Pull Request
- Wait for review and address any feedback
Don't hesitate to ask questions if you're unsure about anything. Remember: every expert was once a beginner!
Development Setup
- Clone the repository:
git clone
cd RA.Aid
- Create and activate a virtual environment:
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
- Install in dev mode:
pip install -e .
- Run RA.Aid:
ra-aid -m "Your task or query here"
This is Your Project Too
RA.Aid is a community project that grows stronger with each contribution. Whether it's fixing a typo in documentation, reporting a bug, or adding a new feature - every contribution matters and is valued.
Don't feel like you need to make massive changes to contribute. Small, focused contributions are often the best way to start. Use what you know, and learn as you go!